FBK for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR)

 is the document the Italian government has prepared to explain to the European Commission how our country intends to invest the funds it will be receiving under the Next Generation Eu program, an economic recovery project dedicated to member states. The plan divides the key policy areas into 6 main missions:

  • Digitization, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism
  • Green revolution and ecological transition
  • Infrastructure for sustainable mobility
  • Education and research
  • Inclusion and cohesion
  • Health

The overall goal is to leave a valuable legacy for future generations, resulting in more robust, sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

Italy is the main beneficiary of this EU funding program with 191.5 billion euros of funds divided between grants (68.9 billion) and loans (122.6 billion). To these resources are then added about 13 billion euros from which our country will benefit under the Recovery Assistance for Cohesion and Territories of Europe (React-Eu) program. The government has also, through a special decree law, allocated an additional 30.62 billion that will be used to complete the projects contained in the PNRR.

For further information read FBK Implementation Plan 2023

Extended Partnerships are research programs set up by networks of universities, Public Research Institutions, and other public and private entities, engaged in research activities, highly qualified, desirably organized in the form of a public-private consortium and according to a Hub&Spoke structure.

The results of the MUR’s call for Extended Partnerships, under the PNRR, rewarded FBK, the protagonist of as many as 5 proposals among those that passed the first selection, dedicated to 14 topics of national interest.
The success is the result of the Foundation’s ever-growing reputation, combined with a well-focused strategy rooted in the “Rovereto Charter,” a document outlining the PAT-led strategy of the Trentino Research System.

The National Centers are aggregations of universities, public and private research organizations and bodies, and companies present and distributed throughout the country and are organized with a Hub & Spoke governance structure, where the Hub performs management and coordination activities while the Spoke conducts research.

Innovation Ecosystems enhance research results, facilitate technology transfer and accelerate the digital transformation of companies’ production processes with a view to economic and environmental sustainability and social impact on the local area.

Technological innovation infrastructures - ITEC (MUR)

Innovation Technology Infrastructures are facilities, equipment, capabilities and services to develop, test and enhance technology that will advance from validation in a laboratory to higher levels of technology readiness before competitive market entry. Innovation Technology
Infrastructures operate in production sectors and geographical areas identified by the development and innovation community, primarily small and medium-sized enterprises or production technology chains, which use them to develop and integrate innovative technologies aimed at the commercialization of new products, processes, and services.

Research Infrastructure - IR (MUR)

Research Infrastructures are the facilities, resources and related services used by the scientific community to carry out research in their respective fields. They include facilities or sets of scientific instruments, knowledge-based resources such as collections, archives or structured scientific information, and infrastructure based on information and communication enabling technologies, computer equipment, software, communication tools and any other means necessary to conduct research.

Co-funded projects

Together with the member states, the European Commission has co-funded through the Digital Europe program and Next Generation EU funds initiatives aimed at fostering the digitization of enterprises at the European level and bringing Artificial Intelligence to market more efficiently to facilitate its adoption in Europe.   In this context, initiatives called Testing and Experimentation Facilities (TEFs) and European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) were created.

 The TEFs aim to provide facilities for testing and experimentation of AI and robotics solutions in the manufacturing (AI-MATTERS), health (TEF-Health), agritech (AgrifoodTEF) and smart cities (Citicom.AI) sectors, offering a combination of physical and virtual facilities where companies can receive assistance in testing their latest AI-based soft/hardware technologies in real-world environments.

EDIHs are one-stop shops for businesses and public sector organizations to improve business/production processes, products or services using digital technologies.   FBK has been excellently positioned within these highly innovative and strategic initiatives, participating in 3 (AgrifoodTEF, AI-MATTERS, TEF-Health) of the 4 TEFs funded by the European Commission and MIMIT and 3 EDIHs Seal of Excellence (DISP, InnovAction, HD-Motion) funded by MIMIT.