The priority line of the iNEST ecosystem falls under the “Digital, Industry, Aerospace” area of the National Research Plan (NRP)
The consortium iNEST is coordinated by the University of Padua and aims to extend the benefits of digital technologies to the main areas of specialization in the Northeast (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Veneto and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano): to the industrial-manufacturing, agriculture, sea, mountain, construction, tourism, culture, health and food sectors. The interconnection of local ecosystems at the macro-region level will make it possible to work on a common “digital vision” for the benefit of the economy and citizens, with local strategies of smart specialization to be merged into a shared mission for the Northeast.
FBK participates as an affiliate of 2 Spokes (Trentino Spoke on digital health and healthcare and Udine Spoke on Green and Digital Transition For Advanced Manufacturing Technology).
The priority line of the Samothrace ecosystem falls under the “Digital, Industry and Space” area of the National Research Plan (NRP). The main objective is to leverage the well-established vocation of the Sicilian territory in the field of microelectronics and micro and nano technologies to bring it to a higher and more widespread level that can have a significant and tangible impact on the island’s industrial scenario and on society as a whole.
SAMOTHRACE aims to elevate the skills and resources already present locally with respect to micro and nano technologies, smart devices, innovative materials, with the goal of putting them into system in the chain of innovation in energy, health, environment, smart mobility, protection and maintenance of cultural heritages and precision agriculture.
FBK participates as a Spoke2 affiliate with specific involvement in the areas of development of instruments and sensors for biomedical applications.
Vitality(Ecosystem Innovation, Digitization and Sustainability for diffused Economy in Central Italy) aims to develop and transfer innovation to make regional production systems more competitive, thereby improving sustainability and quality of life in urban systems, rural areas and both living and working environments.
FBK participates as an affiliate in Spoke 2 (ASTRA – Alliance for Advanced Space Research and Technologies) led by the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), for the development of a satellite, specifically by:
developing innovative radiation sensors that will perform ionizing radiation monitoring;
developing software solutions to increase system reliability.
The MUSA ecosystem priority line falls under the area “Climate, Energy, Sustainable Mobility” of the National Research Plan (NRP).
MUSA aims to transform the metropolitan area of Milan into an ecosystem of innovation for urban regeneration, intervening in different areas, from social to technological, to become a national and European model.
FBK participates as an affiliate in Spoke 4 dedicated to the financial sustainability and economic impact of innovation ecosystems, in the thematic area of evaluating the impact of public policies.
Coordinator: Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca