TDM, an initiative whose lead partner is the University of Trento, supported by FBK , proposes to create, through the instrument of Public-Private Partnership (PPP), a technology infrastructure capable of delivering services in some specific technology areas: artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, edge computing and high performance computing.
Through the proactive contribution of a private party (currently under selection), both in terms of co-financing and in terms of expertise made available to the initiative, we aim to establish an entity capable of managing the infrastructure in the start-up phase, and later on consolidate a business model that will make it sustainable in future years. The active participation of research organizations ensures market positioning of services in the high-end range, which should make possible experimentation with frontier technologies and methodologies This should be the distinctive feature of the initiative.
The facility in the Municipality of Predaia (San Romedio tunnels) intended to house the infrastructure is worth noting: former underground cells originally used for apple storage are to be equipped as a modern service center for artificial intelligence, high performance computing (HPC), cloud & edge computing and cybersecurity.