Radio FBK
Radio FBK is the new Fondazione Bruno Kessler’s podcast collection dedicated to science and research stories through the language of radio. Radio FBK is available on su Spreaker, su Spotify, su Apple Podcast e su Google Podcast. Our podcasts are currently available in Italian only.
Scienza e SocietàInsights into current topics such as energy, war and artificial intelligence, to understand the challenges of the present and look to the future.Read more
Pillole di Cosmos"Space" conversations with the protagonists of science and technology research.Read more
Epidemie nel tempo. Percorsi nella storia"Epidemie nel tempo. Percorsi nella storia" is a podcast series designed by FBK's Italian-German Historical Institute.Read more
Raccontascienza. Nove storie favolose per bambini e ragazziNine stories for children and teens written by FBK researchers and research support staff.Read more
Senti chi ricerca – Storie di vita e di scienzaIn this format, Fondazione Bruno Kessler's researchers talk freely in short, conversation-like interviews.Read more