The Foundation generates both scientific and industrial results.
Research results obtained by FBK are disseminated through national and international publication systems. Many of these are made openly accessible in order to facilitate knowledge sharing. You can easily find them at Research Results and and the Books and new media.
Many innovations that impact our everyday life have passed through the FBK laboratories, some of which are also present in our spin-offs.
21 December 2023Air quality goes from acceptable to good thanks to the many initiatives put in place by the project partners: Fondazione Bruno Kessler, City of Ferrara, Deda Next, University of Ferrara, Politecnico di Milano, S.I.P.R.O. Provincial Agency for the Development of Ferrara, Hera Group, Lab Service Analytica.
04 December 2023Among the most cited researchers in the world (Top 2%) for their publications in science-technology are FBK scholars Binosi, Bovolo, Cimatti, Dapor, Dragoni, Ghulinyan, Magnini, Massa, Perini, Pistore, Remondino, Stock and Strapparava. The analysis, published in Elsevier Data Repository, is based on Scopus data updated to 2022
03 November 2023The award was assigned by the Austria Trade Consul, Christoph Plank
05 September 2023The news of the grant from the European Research Council (ERC), Europe's leading body that subsidizes excellent frontier research, came following a highly competitive selection
05 June 2023The solution developed ensures data security, allows for user experience customization, enables predictive analytics, and facilitates the creation of maintenance ticket and intervention requests.
26 May 2023Trentino is at the center of the tests for the implementation of the European Digital Identity Wallet conducted by PagoPA - based on the IO app experience - in cooperation with Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato.
17 May 2023A virtual tool that works symbiotically with the city to analyze, correlate and visualize data to facilitate understanding and exploration of city phenomena and systems, predict urban evolutions in advance through the construction of hypothetical scenarios and the simulation of their evolution over time, monitor the evolution and effects of external events and government actions, and optimize the effectiveness of services and the impact of policies through continuous revision based on data on how they work.
08 May 2023FBK and the City of Trento are partners in three EU-funded international projects aimed at improving the protection of public spaces.
03 May 2023L’esposizione di persone con compromissione cognitiva e fisica a scenari immersivi realistici e naturali in realtà virtuale tramite visore è sicura e ha un impatto sulla promozione dello stato di rilassamento e di emozioni positive.
03 May 2023The scientific achievement to which FBK contributed has been published in Nature's Communication Physics
21 April 2023FBK con TrentinoSalute 4.0 e il Centro Digital Health and Wellbeing è direttamente coinvolta nell’articolazione del progetto "Sanità digitale e Intelligenza Artificiale", finanziato lo scorso dicembre dalla Giunta provinciale con circa 817 mila euro.
12 April 2023The Fondazione Bruno Kessler is collaborating on a model for automated analysis of CT images using artificial intelligence algorithms.