Air-Break, the project under the European Union’s Urban Innovative Actions program, is ending

21/12/2023 Air quality goes from acceptable to good thanks to the many initiatives put in place by the project partners: Fondazione Bruno Kessler, City of Ferrara, Deda Next, University of Ferrara, Politecnico di Milano, S.I.P.R.O. Provincial Agency for the Development of Ferrara, Hera Group, Lab Service Analytica.

Thanks to Air-Break, the Municipality of Ferrara has a new, interoperable and heterogeneous data infrastructure, which is essential to guide public policies and take concrete and targeted actions from a sustainability perspective.

According to the Air Break Index * (which is based on data collected by IoT control units installed in some areas of the city) Ferrara’s air quality has improved from “acceptable” to “good” over the past two years.  This is the result achieved by the Municipality of Ferrara with Air Break, the project funded under the European Urban Innovative Actions program, which has seen Deda Next, the University of Ferrara, the Politecnico di Milano, S.I.P.R.O. Provincial Agency for the Development of Ferrara, Hera Group, Lab Service Analytica and Fondazione Bruno Kessler at the forefront alongside the Local Administration.

The Air-Break project has been deemed as a great success,” stressed City Councillor Alessandro Balboni. “In fact, it has won important mentions and awards both nationally and internationally for its innovation content and concrete results. Thanks to the 5 million in European funds that financed Air-Break, we collected an important amount of data on the environment but also on how Ferrara residents travel, in order to develop more effective planning policies. We have built new bikeways and initiated new sustainable mobility systems, involving residents through workshops, awareness campaigns, gamification systems with prizes, encouraging the development of virtuous habits.  Our goal is to give the new generations a greener Ferrara, cleaner air and a more livable city,” concludes Councillor Balboni, “and these three years of activities carried out thanks to Air-Break have led us to be a good practice for involvement, innovation and concreteness on a national and international level.