
The Foundation generates both scientific and industrial results.

Research results obtained by FBK are disseminated through national and international publication systems. Many of these are made openly accessible in order to facilitate knowledge sharing. You can easily find them at Research Results and and the Books and new media.

Many innovations that impact our everyday life have passed through the FBK laboratories, some of which are also present in our spin-offs.

  • 09 January 2017
    The "FESTA - GARCIA" final conference in Brussels was jointly organized by FBK (FESTA project) and Université Catholique de Louvain (GARCIA project) which has 135 members including academics from all over Europe, and also from the US and several European Commission officials as well as businesses representatives
  • Blood cells
    04 January 2017
    The 2016 Aspen Prize for cooperation and scientific research between Italy and the United States was awarded this year to a study on the Ebola virus in which Fondazione Bruno Kessler of Trento has participated.
  • Translation
    04 January 2017
    MateCat represents a business model that gives to professional translators the possibility to avoid costs of outsourcing.
  • Data Processing
    04 January 2017
    A collaboration agreement for the creation of a joint laboratory between Fondazione Bruno Kessler and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) on Big Data was inaugurated in 2016.
  • 03 January 2017
    Researchers at FBK-Embedded System Unit have conducted a joint scientific study with Boeing on the topic of safety assessment based on formal mathematical models, which was presented at the most important world conference in the area of formal verification, CAV 2015.
  • 01 January 2017
    The new "TrentinoSalute4.0" Competence Center on Digital Healthcare, which is jointly governed by the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Provincial Healthcare System (APSS) and FBK, started operating on January 1, 2017.