Excellence in research: featuring the scientific achievements of 13 FBK scholars

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04/12/2023 Among the most cited researchers in the world (Top 2%) for their publications in science-technology are FBK scholars Binosi, Bovolo, Cimatti, Dapor, Dragoni, Ghulinyan, Magnini, Massa, Perini, Pistore, Remondino, Stock and Strapparava. The analysis, published in Elsevier Data Repository, is based on Scopus data updated to 2022

The data updated in October 2023 on scientific authors with standardized citation indicators record performance relative to 2022 and change the rankings based on historical data, i.e., those that take into account all scientific production from the beginning of the career until the last survey.

As many as 13 Fondazione Bruno Kessler researchers rank in the top 2% worldwide. They are (filtered by name) Daniele Binosi, Francesca Bovolo, Alessandro Cimatti, Maurizio Dapor, Mauro Dragoni, Mher Ghulinyan, Bernardo Magnini, Paolo Massa, Anna Perini, Marco Pistore, Fabio Remondino, Oliviero Stock and Carlo Strapparava. Historical data also includes David Stoppa (in FBK/ITC-IRST from 2002 to 2019). Compared to a similar survey three years ago, their number has doubled. Full data are available online, licensed under CC BY NC 3.0