Media – Press releases
30 April 2020The study of an international team led by the Bruno Kessler Foundation of Trento and the Fudan University of Shanghai has been published in the journal Science
10 April 2020Partito il progetto europeo MOOD per la prevenzione dei rischi nella sanità pubblica
25 March 2020A catalog of thematic itineraries designed by expert educators to allow users to face these complicated times with curiosity and passion. Multimedia geographic expeditions, virtual time travel, creative works and science experiments inspired by the greatest scientists in history. An opportunity that adds to the FBK #menoviruspiùconoscenza initiatives.
16 March 2020Activities at Fondazione Bruno Kessler continue through smart working during this emergency. FBK sets up the #menoviruspiùconoscenza portal with digital content available to everyone
10 March 2020The platform created by Fondazione Bruno Kessler to analyze the relationship between the evolution of the COVID-19 epidemic and the information dynamics on social media is available online. Early analysis found for some countries, including Italy, faults in correct information generated by the behavior of users and bots. A shift towards more reliable sources occurred as the contagion began to spread within these countries.
09 March 2020The study on the effects of travel restrictions from China on the global spread of the virus published in Science
11 February 2020Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Trentino Sviluppo have chosen Madonna di Campiglio to test a software system aimed at improving energy efficiency in Alpine ski resorts
10 February 2020GPI signs a collaboration agreement with the Trentino area scientific research system to improve one of its flagship products, the Riedl Phasys robotic cabinet, used for drug logistics in hospitals and retail pharmacies around the world. The University of Trento, FBK and HIT have taken on the challenge: for a period of about 20 months, they are committed to developing a technological solution aimed at process acceleration, addressing a growing market demand.
06 February 2020Prosegue nel 2020 il progetto formativo dedicato ai giovani. Giovedì 13 febbraio il primo incontro con i ragazzi delle scuole presso il Teatro Cuminetti
31 January 2020The meeting of Fondazione Bruno Kessler's Board of Directors that unanimously approved the appointment as director of the Institute for Evaluative Research on Public Policies for the next 3 years was held today