Media – Press releases
29 January 2020VALUECARE" and "KRAKEN": two scientific projects to support aging and people's health
13 December 2019Lo studio dei ricercatori FBK Riccardo Gallotti e Manlio De Domenico ha preso in esame i dati di 17.000 candidati fra il 1901 e il 1965 ed è stato pubblicato sulla rivista “Scientific Reports” di Nature
30 October 2019Study with the contribution of Fondazione Bruno Kessler's researcher Riccardo Gallotti published in the scientific journal Nature Communications.
12 September 2019Il sistema permette di acquisire un contenuto audio in una lingua e di generare direttamente la traduzione scritta in un’altra lingua
03 September 2019According to a study to which also FBK researchers contributed, parental vaccination can help contain the spread of measles in Italy
18 July 2019Fondazione Bruno Kessler joins the Microsoft international AI for Earth program to develop a solution that will prevent damage caused by heat waves
08 July 2019A random number generator for the Internet of Things has been developed within the joint Q@TN laboratory. The compact and inexpensive device will be presented to the public on Wednesday, July 10 at 10.00 a.m. at Polo Ferrari 1 (Povo - Via Sommarive, 5)
04 July 2019Dedicated to the memory of the student and young researcher who died in 2008, the award was presented today to Francesca Saviola, a PhD student with CiMEC. In nine editions the award has recognized the work of students and doctoral students on the topics of cognitive science and human-machine interaction. The initiative, launched in 2009, was supported by the University (Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science and CIMeC) and by Fondazione Bruno Kessler
03 July 2019Human brain, highway systems, social networks designed as systems to understand their dynamics and evolutions. CCS/Italy 2019, the first Italian conference in the industry, was held at FBK in Trento
25 June 2019More than 2,700 documents on De Gasperi which can be freely consulted online thanks to the collaboration of historians and computer scientists working in the humanities domain from Fondazione Bruno Kessler. The outcomes of the project will be presented on June 27 in Trento