Digital AgricultureDigital technologies for agriculture represent an application domain of primary interest for Italy and for research at FBK.More info
Digital HealthFBK's goal is to have the maximum impact on the scientific community and on the health of citizens.More info
Industry of the FutureThe realization of the Industry of the Future for FBK will be achieved thanks to the full application of Artificial Intelligence.More info
Climate ChangeClimate change in Italy and Europe is leading to a progressive increase in extreme weather events, with repercussions on all social and economic activities.More info

Upcoming events
TIQIT 2025 focuses on Bose-Einstein Condensation, Nanoscience, Quantum Optics and Quantum Information.
FBK's Stefano Tonetta takes part as keynote speaker in the interdisciplinary "International Workshop on Digital Twins: Mathematical Analysis, Formal Methods and Scientific Machine Learning"
Jean-Claude Monod (ENS Paris) will be a guest speaker at FBK’s Center for Religious Studies. He will give a talk on the relationship between secularization and modernity. Who is right in the end: the critics of secularization, its supporters, or neither?
Meeting between representatives of FBK and the University of Padua to follow up and give substance to the framework agreement on research and development signed last summer. Participation by invitation only.
This study introduces a data-driven, machine learning-based method to detect suitable control variables and instruments for assessing the causal effect of a treatment on an outcome in observational data, if they exist.
FBK's Miguel Pincheira Caro participates as invited speaker at Smart Sustainable Cities 2025: an Innovative Conference on Smart Cities and Sustainable Urban Living.
This event will explore how artificial intelligence can be harnessed to combat hate spee and misinformation online. With the participation of FBK's Marco Guerini, Hatedemics project coordinator.
Identifying the Hate Speech Threat Landscape and Countermeasures
FBK's Stefano Merler speaks at the panel discussion ‘Doctor or robot? The prospects of artificial intelligence in infectious diseases' at the 10th AMIT International Congress
Luigi Crema, Director at Center for Sustainable Energy FBK has been invited as Keynotespeaker at the 9th International Hydrogen Technologies Congress – IHTEC 2025
Co-located with the 10th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P 2025), the workshop aims at exploring security and risk assessment in identity management systems,