Trasformazione Digitale - Archivio Fotografico FBK

Digital Transformation

By Digital Transformation we mean the set of technological, organizational and behavioral changes associated with the adoption of digital technology in particular in the field of industry and public administration (PA).
This transformation is critical for the competitiveness and sustainability of the whole society, especially when it comes to balancing efforts to achieve efficiency and growth with the need for transparency and inclusiveness, and to the fact of facing numerous challenges related to knowledge, awareness and ethical use of digital technology.


At FBK, we combine the development of digital technologies (in particular innovative/disruptive ones such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet-of-Things, Blockchain, 5G) with the ability to support PA and companies when adopting these technologies, by describing and enhancing the transformative aspects they contain.

This takes place in the context of extensive cooperation programs and co-innovation laboratories which aim to co-design and co-develop digital transformation with companies and PA and to develop those competencies, not only technological, necessary to manage this change.

Technology and application fields

  • Digital Hub
    Open source technology  platform, based on Cloud technologies, which provides tools and methodological approach for digital transformation processes. Thanks to a combination of established technologies and research results, it supports data integration and processing scenarios, their interoperability and governance, as well as advanced analysis scenarios through AI supply chains.
  • Skills folder
    Created to respond to increased attention to the issue of skills and abilities in the school system and in the workplace, it is a personalized, dynamic and transparent ecosystem of services and data. The platform makes it possible to map the technical and soft skills developed by individuals in formal and non-formal contexts. At the same time, it can support people choosing training courses with a view to upskilling or suggest professions “close” to their skills, all thanks to the analysis of the gap between skills requests and skills offers.
  • Innovative digital Training
    Starting from skills on innovative digital teaching, in particular on playful education and collaborative learning practices, FBK creates digital tools for training. These platforms, innovative from a technological, functional and methodological point of view, are capable of responding to the needs of personalization and enhancement of the skills of users and organizations.
  • Data Governance
    Digital technologies are part of our daily lives influencing all our activities, with important social and economic impacts. Data is a focal point of this transformation. The reuse of data generates innovations that bring important benefits to society in all sectors. The wider their availability, the greater the opportunities for data-driven innovation. Each data source comes with rules to be respected (think of the European GDPR). FBK is able to provide definitions and supporting technologies to generate governance systems that are robust and at the same time agile, through which data spaces that generate social and economic value are created.
  • Data Science
    FBK’s technologies based on the analysis of large quantities of behavioral data allow to develop models and predictions of the socio-economic conditions and economic fragility of areas and communities and to support their digital transformation. In particular, the technologies developed integrate a multiplicity of information sources that include information shared on social media, data on spending behavior collected through the use of credit cards and data collected through the use of mobile phones. This great wealth and diversity of information makes it possible to better profile the behavior of individuals, groups and communities, in compliance with the law.
  • Text Anaysis/ Simplification
    The text analysis and simplification platform provides support for the drafting of documents, highlighting passages that are difficult to read and proposing simpler solutions.
    The system provides an analysis based on a set of complexity indicators that take into account terminology and syntaxis.

Major Projects

Projects in the context of NRRP

  • Ecosistema MUSA: La linea prioritaria dell’ecosistema MUSA rientra nell’ambito dell’area “Clima, Energia, Mobilità sostenibile” del Piano Nazionale della Ricerca (PNR).
    FBK partecipa in qualità di affiliato allo Spoke 4 dedicato alla sostenibilità finanziaria e all’impatto economico di ecosistemi di innovazione, nell’area tematica della valutazione dell’impatto delle politiche pubbliche.

Other projects:

    With the Trentino Recovery program, FBK is developing a strategic collaboration with the Autonomous Province of Trento to promote the adoption of digital technologies to address the new weaknesses of Trentino related to the COVID-19 emergency.
    Often, these are multilevel and multi-domain (health, social, economic) and require integrated / comprehensive strategies. In the medium-short term, the program aims to support the recovery of Trentino, in a context in which the digitization lag can have important negative social and economic impacts. In the medium to long term, the goal is to build a new vision of digital innovation as a tool to foster the development of a more sustainable and resilient Trentino.
    The SIMPATICO  project – SIMplifying the interaction with Public Administration Through Information technology for Citizens and Companies – has implemented a new approach for the provision of customized online public services. These services, exploiting Artificial Intelligence technologies for language processing and machine learning, make interaction with the PA easier, more efficient and effective. SIMPATICO also combines these technologies with top-down knowledge of the PA and contributions from the community, ranging from the qualified skills of civil servants and professionals to respond to issues and concerns raised by citizens and companies that find online services hard to use. The project is still in use on the municipality of Trento’s portal for services to citizens.
    INTERLINK – Innovating goverNment and ciTizen co-dEliveRy for the digitaL sINgle marKet — aims to overcome the barriers that prevent administrations from reusing and sharing services with private partners (including citizens) by developing a new collaborative governance model that combines enthusiasm and the flexibility of grassroots initiatives with the legitimacy guaranteed by traditional PA e-government systems.
    To allow this, INTERLINK will provide a series of digital building blocks, called “Interlinkers”, which implement the governance model, defined and standardized together with the basic functionalities necessary to allow private players (citizens and businesses) to cooperate with the public administration in providing a service.
    Families Share has pioneered a new approach to work-life balance, especially on the management aspects of preschool children. The approach is based on the idea that parents should participate in organizational and educational activities rather than just sign up for them. This participatory approach requires a different attitude towards public or private services and can be facilitated by digital tools. The experimentation was carried out in 7 European cities in urban and corporate contexts to identify opportunities and barriers.
    The project was funded under the Horizon 2020 program.
    The  STARDUST project addresses important urban challenges in the energy and mobility sector in the “lighthouse cities” of Pamplona, Tampere and Trento. To do this, it uses innovative, participatory and replicable ICT supported solutions. The objectives pursued are energy sustainability of buildings, reduction of CO2 emissions by public and private vehicles, the creation of open ICT platforms for the enhancement of data collected through sensor networks, the involvement of citizens and businesses in innovation of the 3 European cities.
    Focusing on the Bologna-Munich corridor (600 km, over three countries) the objective of 5G-CARMEN   project is to leverage on the most recent 5G advances to
    provide a multi-tenant platform that can support the automotive sector delivering safer, greener, and more intelligent transportation with the ultimate goal of enabling self-driving cars.