SATT 2019: School of Advanced Technologies for Translators

The yearly appointment with the latest trends in translation for students, professionals, language service providers, as well as teachers involved in translators’ training is back and will be held in Milan, at the IULM University

Università di Comunicazione e Lingue, IULM – Milano

Via Carlo Bo 1, Milano

Constant technological advancement has made the world of translation highly dynamic, with a never-ending influx of new opportunities. To ride the wave, the 21st-century translator needs to be familiar with machine translation technology, the environments into which machine translation is integrated, and the new markets offering unprecedented business opportunities.

On the first day, we will profile the translator in the age of technology through lectures, demos, use case presentations and panel discussions.

On the second day, six practical courses will be offered, each one aimed at teaching core skills and competencies that translators will need in order to be fully prepared for the new opportunities – and challenges – posed by a tech-led translation industry. The six 2.5-hour courses will be run in parallel, covering three main areas: fundamentals, technology, and creativity.

Event on payment, registration at this link.

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