AISEM 2025 XXIII Conference and SCHOOL on Sensors and Microsystems

Witness the integration of nanoscale biosensors into wearable devices, allowing for real-time monitoring of vital signs and early detection of health issues,
AISEM 2025 XXIII Conference è un forum interdisciplinare che abbraccia un'ampia gamma di argomenti nella ricerca in fisica, chimica, biologia, tecnologia, ingegneria e scienza dei materiali con l'obiettivo di fornire un ambiente ideale per ricercatori e innovatori per discutere di lavori pratici e teorici

Sala “Luigi Stringa”, FBK Povo

Via Sommarive 18, Povo

The AISEM 2025 XXIII Conference is an interdisciplinary forum encompassing a wide range of topics in the research in physics, chemistry, biology, technology, engineering and materials science with the aim of providing an ideal environment for researchers and innovators to discuss practical and theoretical work covering on:

  • Sensors Modelling and Fabrication
  • Chemical, Electrochemical and Gas Sensors
  • Microfluidics, Biosensors and Lab on Chip
  • Physical and Optical Sensors 
  • MEMS and Nano – Microfabrication Technologies
  • Wearable sensors & Flexible electronic devices
  • Emerging sensors technologies, Materials and Applications
  • Sensor electronics, sensor systems and data processing
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Sensors

 The Conference welcomes all researchers both from academia and industry interested in the sensors and related applications.

As for the past edition on 2024the conference will return to an in-person only format, gathering experts in all areas of sensors in the city of Trento, in northern Italy, where the speakers will animate 3 days of study, talks, and debates.

In addition to invited talks, authors presentations (Oral and Poster), the conference will include also a SCHOOL (AISEM 2025 School on Sensors and Microsystemscovering interdisciplinary topics of sensors, technologies and their applications.

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