The 5th Digital Health Society Summit

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Lorenzo Gios e Oscar Mayora (FBK) partecipano alla tavola rotonda del "The 5th Digital Health Society Summit" per parlare del valore dei dati sanitari nei progetti internazionali di R&S. Evento virtuale

15 novembre 2023

12:00-12:45 – Unlocking The Value Of Health Data In The International R&D Projects: Enabling Fairness And Expanding Opportunities For Secondary Use
Natalia Allegretti (Moderator) – Senior Innovation Project Manager at ECHAlliance
Federica Porcu (Moderator) – Innovation Project Manager at ECHAlliance
Vasiliki Tsiompanidou – Legal Researcher at UDG Alliance, Gatekeeper project
Lorenzo Gios – Project Manager, TrentinoSalute4.0 at Competence Center for Digital Health of the Province of Trento, ValueCare project
Nicola Ferro – Full Professor at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, Brainteaser
Jess Vogt – Research Consultant at empirica Communication and Technology Research, Gravitate Health
Christian Muehlendyck – Scientific Partnerships Lead EMEA, Johnson & Johnson MedTech

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