WebValley 2020 Reimagined: training the AI future generation

The FBK Data Science Summer School for Interdisciplinary Research, 20th Edition

FBK virtual event

Via Sommarive, Povo

WebValley is the FBK summer school for dissemination of interdisciplinary research: almost 300 students (17-18y old) have attended the WebValley camps since its first edition in 2001. WebValley started as a regional initiative for high school students from Trentino Alto-Adige SüdTirol, and it is now an opportunity for national and international students to experiment scientific research.

The scientific theme of WebValley 2020 is Artificial Intelligence for Computational Biology.

The single-cell sequencing (SCS) is the most advanced omics technology, collecting the sequence information from individual cells and providing a higher resolution of the cellular structure and supporting a deeper investigation of the functions of an individual cell within its environment. Supported by a team of computational biologists, the WebValley Team will explore SCS data through unsupervised learning models and dimensionality reduction algorithms. In particular, advanced clustering techniques and UMAP manifold projections will be used to identify novel patterns possibly revealing different phenotypes yet undetected.

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