More and more Space at the CMM
Today, in addition to the sensors for the AMS, also the sensors that control the propellers of the Gaia and Lisa Pathfinder satellites are operative, while the large detectors (100 cm2 area chips) for Limadou, anexperimentincluded in the collaboration between the Chinese and the Italian space agencies that will go into space in the next few months, are ready. The expertise gained in the space industry has led to the signing of an FBK-ASI framework agreement within which now CMM will be entrusted funding for the refinement of the world’s largest X-ray detector for astrophysical studies. Furthermore, as part of a recent national call for proposals, out of a total of 10 projects approved by ASI, CMM has been awarded funding for three projects, as the lead partner in two of them and as a partner in the thrird one. In this way, FBK-CMM consolidates a role of importance in this strategic sector, a role played also thanks to the precious collaboration with important national research institutes such as INAF and INFN.