The AgrifoodTEF european project is kicking off

Following a successful application to a call for proposals of the Digital Europe Program, a total budget of 60 million euros and a time horizon of five years, the project AgrifoodTEF is going to kick off on Feb. 1 and 2, 2023, at the premises of the coordinator (Fondazione Bruno Kessler) in Trento (Italy).
The project aims to develop facilities and services for testing and experimenting, in real-life conditions, new products and solutions based on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, in order to support the European agrifood industry and speed-up the transition of innovation to market.
The winning consortium consists of some of Europe’s leading players in the field of digital innovation applied to agrifood production, organized in three national nodes (Italy, Germany, France) and four satellites (Belgium, Poland, Sweden and Austria). AgrifoodTEF is funded 50 percent by the European Commission and 50 percent by the governments of the member states participating in the consortium.
“Thanks to the geographical location and the technical excellence of the consortium’s partners” explains Raffaele Giaffreda (FBK), the project’s coordinator responsible also for the Italian Node, “the project well addresses the needs of the European agrifood industry, providing services to clients from all over Europe.”
In terms of mutual positioning of the various Partners assets and roles, the project ensures complementarity between all nodes and satellites, exploiting facilities and contextual background in relevant regions of Europe, that maximise impact and coverage of many agrifood production sectors.