5G-CARMEN, 5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European unioN

5G-CARMEN is one of the 5G Cross-border Corridor projects resulting from the recent H2020 ICT-18 Call on 5G for cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM).
The kick-off event was held 22-23 November 2018 in Innsbruck, Austria, hosted by T-Mobile.
Total budget: 18.5 M€
EU Funding: 14.9M€
Start Date: 1 Nov 2018
Duration: 36 Months
Coordinator: Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
25 Partners from 10 EU Countries:
- 3 Leading telco equipment vendors
- 3 Mobile Network Operators
- 2 Automotive OEMs
- 1 Road operator
- Academia
- Research Centers
- SMEs
The Objectives of the project are:
- harness the concept of ‘Mobility Corridors’ for moving people and goods across Europe
- establish 5G as the key technological enabler for the implementation of the concept of connected and automated vehicles
- develop a vehicular smart-living environment to meet the requirements of mobility in smart cities and in the whole European road network
- bridge infrastructure gaps across the EU, including border regions