FBK, CONFINDUSTRIA and INFN formed the GAIA-X HUB ITALIA association

"It will be a reference point for projects on data enhancement"
The Gaia-X Hub Italia Association was established today, with the aim of promoting the data ecosystem in our country. The joint initiative with the Ministries of Economic Development, Innovation and Digital Transition and University and Research, sees among its founding members Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Confindustria, and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN). The Hub will represent the reference point for Italian companies and organizations interested in developing projects based on data enhancement, following principles such as interoperability, privacy and control of proprietary data. The project will lead to the creation of a series of “data spaces” divided by sector, industry or supply chain, in which companies and other public or private entities will be able to share data, information and services independently.
The Hub will also be a point of connection with Gaia-X’s national counterparts at European level, aimed at the development of a wider federated, sovereign and fully operational continental data ecosystem.
The project was presented in Milan as part of CONNEXT 2021, by the founding members and by government representatives, who illustrated its aims and organizational aspects.
“Gaia-X represents a frontier initiative that will be able to provide momentum to the implementation of the European data strategy. As Confindustria, we want to be protagonists in the development of the data economy in Italy, making our companies an integral part of a real future growth engine. Data has an increasingly important economic value, and Gaia-X will allow all stakeholders to benefit from it through the development of projects in Data Spaces”said Carlo Bonomi, President of Confindustria.
“For Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), it is a source of pride to be among the key players in this important innovation initiative – commented FBK President Francesco Profumo – GAIA X intends to contribute to the construction of “European data spaces”, infrastructures that will allow companies, research centers and public institutions to share data and services in key areas for the development of the country. Thanks to its scientific skills, in particular in Artificial Intelligence, and to the ability to develop strategic collaborations with major companies and public institutions, FBK will contribute to reach the GAIA X Italia’s goals in two ways: on the one hand, by promoting concrete projects which, in close synergy with the “National Recovery and Resilience Plan”, will allow Italian companies to become more competitive and, on the other hand, by ensuring the participation and contribution of Italian research to this process”.
“The National Institute for Nuclear Physics has always been a primary player in the world of international research for the management and analysis of large amounts of data and related distributed infrastructures, and has a strong technology transfer program in collaboration with industries”, stressed AINFN President ntonio Zoccoli. “With this initiative, INFN intends to involve the national research system on the key issues of Gaia-X’s Italian hub for the benefit of businesses and citizens, and to make its skills and resources available to the country”, Zoccoli concluded.
FBK | Confindustria | INFN press release