Events archive
Giornata è dedicata a scoprire come FBK può supportare le aziende nel superare le sfide di innovazione, attraverso 3 azioni chiave: AgrifoodTEF e AI Matters, due Test and Experimentation Facility (TEF) promossi dalla Commissione Europea e dal Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy e InnovAction, un European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH).
FBK's Giuseppe Jurman will elaborate on the topic ‘Generative AI in sequencing: enhancing models by synthetic omics data’ in this webinar, organised by the AIxAI ‘AI for Healthcare’ working group.
The conference involves scholars from different disciplines to offer new perspectives on crowd research in history. It is divided into five sessions, dedicated to different aspects of the crowd: Images and Representations, Law and Regulations, Emotions and Experience, Politics, and Performance.
Lorenza Ferrario FBK acts as chair for the "School on Nanotechnologies" held on the occasion of the Nanoinnovation Conference 2024. The course is dedicated to Master degree and Ph.D students, as well as to scientists working in the wide field of micro- and nano-technology, with attention to both planar and 3D technologies.
Broad participation of FBK researchers at the 8th international NanoInnovation 2024 conference. NanoInnovation is the national reference event for the broad and multidisciplinary community involved in the study and development of micro- and nanotechnologies and their integration with other enabling technologies (KETs) in all application areas.
Application deadline August 31, 2024 for the "Artificial Intelligence for Weather and Climate Autumn School 2024." The School will offer a class of 25 students face-to-face lectures and application labs to acquire basic and specialized skills in using artificial intelligence methods in weather and climate science.
Domenico Siracusa from FBK's Center for Cyber Security participates in this important workshop that aims to present and discuss the findings of the national scientific community and their contribution to the security of 5G networks and the Cloud.
Evento co-organizzato da importanti progetti gemelli che si concentrano su AI e disinformazione, tra cui AI4Trust , AI4Media, Titan, veraAI, AI4Debunk e AI-CODE.
International FBK Summer Schl for Data Science and AI-based interdisciplinary research
Paolo Avesani (FBK) will give lectures on the use of tools for tracking and studying the brain at "Connect Brain." This theoretical and practical course on clinical and surgical applications of structural and functional connectivity.
The Computer Vision Trento Symposium (CVTS) is organised to bring together scientists, researchers, students, practitioners, and enthusiasts who share an interest in computer vision.
The narrative discussion in financial disclosures can help corporate stakeholders better predict tax outcomes?