TRENTINOSALUTE4.0 wins the “Patient’s Digital Health Award 2020” – “COVID-19 solutions section” – with the TREC PEDIATRIA app

The award ceremony for the “Patients’ Digital Health Awards – Patients reward digital innovation” (PDHA) competition was held on Friday, October 16, 2020, that awarded the TreC Televisita Pediatria platform for the “Covid-19 Solutions” category., Developed by TrentinoSalute4.0, the Competence Center on Digital Health of the Autonomous Province of Trento, in collaboration with pediatricians. The remote visiting project was co-funded by the Trentino Research Valorization Foundation (VRT).
“A particularly important recognition especially if we consider that the solutions presented in the competition were evaluated by the patient associations” – Stefania Segnana, councilor for health, social policies, disability and family said, adding that “This award makes us understand that we are moving in the right direction, i.e. building and co-building a health service open to citizens and patients. The contribution that they themselves, through associations, can make is precious for us, as their first-hand experience can help us steer choices and energies towards solutions that know how to tangibly meet their needs”.
The TreC Televisita Pediatria project was created to respond to the need that emerged during the Covid-19 emergency, to keep patients in touch with doctors even if remotely. Throughout child development years, pediatricians meet with families regularly, not only for diagnosis and treatment, but also for monitoring the achievement of growth milestones, and represent a point of reference for families.