AgrifoodTEF among the European Commission’s DIGITAL success stories

Among the DIGITAL success stories selected and shared by the European commission to announce the projects that will shape the future of digital technologies in Europe, there is also the AgrifoodTEF project, coordinated by FBK for Europe, which aims to develop testing, experimentation, and validation infrastructures to the end of promoting the adoption of services and products based on AI and robotics in the Agri food industry.
AgrifoodTEF offers its services to businesses and developers across Europe to support them with testing and validating their own AI and robotics innovative solutions in real use contexts in the Agrifood industry, providing innovators with the tools needed to transform their brightest ideas into successful market products.
The Project won a call call launched in 2022 by the European commission and kicked off in January 2023 with a time horizon of five years and a total budget of 60 million euros: it is funded 50% by the European commission and for the remainder 50% by the governments of the countries participating in the consortium, for the Italian government, by the ministry for businesses and Made in Italy. The project consortium is made up off 34 partners From 9 countries and is coordinated for Europe by Italy, in particular by Fondazione Bruno Kessler with Raffaele Giaffreda as project who said: “ after the first 18 months of project execution the project has already activated the first services supply, promoting primarily interactions with SMEs , helping them, for example, to test and make more robust perception algorithms that support farmers with the management of their crops or that improve the action efficiency action of robotics-based autonomous machines.”