Luigi Crema elected as chair of the Hydrogen Europe Research Board

Luigi Crema, director of the Sustainable Energy Center at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, was elected a member of the board of Hydrogen Europe Research, an association that brings together 108 international research institutions dedicated to energy development in the field of hydrogen. In particular, Dr. Crema will be in charge of the hydrogen production Technical Committee.
(v.l.) “This entity,” Crema explained, “is one of the three parts of the Clean Hydrogen partnership and provides support to identify priorities. It is the European Commission’s reference point for research and innovation and the development of the hydrogen supply chain and aims to put European research and industry at the forefront of global competition in renewable hydrogen production technologies. My role will be to support the development of the European Hydrogen Program, giving voice to the research and innovation needs of the production sector. We must maintain European leadership with the European companies in the sector, which are two-thirds of the top 10 positions in the world. I will be interacting with the Board, members of Hydrogen Europe Research and industry colleagues at Hydrogen Europe, as well as the European Commission and Clean Hydrogen partnership program officers.”
The appointment is an extension of the one that took place in 2020. Luigi Crema is also vice president of H2IT, the Italian Association of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells.