DOLOMITI ENERGIA Group and FBK: together for a greener energy market

FBK and the Dolomiti Energia Group have signed an important collaboration agreement that could become a driver in the development of the green hydrogen supply chain in Trentino.
The collaboration brings together two important players in the Trentino area, combining the scientific and technological skills present at FBK and the innovation interests of the Dolomiti Energia Group in the hydrogen field.
In order to be able to plan industrial projects and applications related to this strategic energy vector for the near future, the partnership will explore regulatory, technological, infrastructural and commercial areas to allow the Group to acquire relevant information for the development of the business and for subsequent investments that involve the entire value chain. Developments in this supply chain will bring new opportunities for economic and employment growth to the Trentino area linked to the production, transportation, distribution, storage and large-scale use of hydrogen.
Green hydrogen is a clean low-carbon energy vector, the use of which will allow the replacement of fossil fuel in many civil and industrial applications in the future. Hydrogen is a critical element to contribute to the energy transition process underway in Europe which, being based on the growth of production from non-programmable renewable sources (sun and wind), calls for the large-scale introduction of technologies that can allow the storage of renewable energy, that is otherwise not really usable in the electricity system.
This agreement represents a further strong and demanding contribution of the Group to achieve national and local goals on climate and decarbonization: hydrogen combined with the production of renewable energy, the promotion of energy efficiency and the protection of the environment are elements of a single strategy that the Group is implementing to ensure a better future for all.
The Dolomiti Energia Group
The Dolomiti Energia Group with 1,400 employees and a consolidated revenue of € 1.4 billion is one of the leading Italian multi-utility companies. Active across all the components of the energy supply chain, it is one of the first Italian producers of hydroelectric energy.
Fondazione Bruno Kessler
As part of FBK’s mission, which aims to achieve results of scientific excellence and to produce an impact on society, the Sustainable Energy Center directed by Luigi Crema promotes research, development and innovation actions for the development of new energy solutions in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal.
FBK/Dolomiti Energia press release