Thirty years after the death of Bruno Kessler, FBK and the University of Trento remembered the figure of their founder on the occasion of the delivery of a work by artist Riccardo Schweizer, now entitled “Homage to Bruno Kessler”.
The work created in 1977 by artist Riccardo Schweizer for Bruno Kessler was delivered to the Foundation’s offices on Via Santa Croce 77 in Trento – during an inevitably restricted but all the same heartfelt meeting by some relatives of the statesman, on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of his passing.
The work, large and made of copper (only work like this by Schweizer), has recently found its natural location in the Big Hall of the historic headquarters of the Foundation, and, being originally untitled, in agreement with the Kessler family has been named “Homage to Bruno Kessler”.
Regarding the genesis of this work, there is an extraordinary letter sent by the artist himself to Bruno Kessler. Schweizer writes with affection and deference, expressing the deep esteem that binds him to the statesman and at the same time claiming his own creative independence. In fact, it is he who decided the subject on his own, embedding a portrait of Kessler himself, alongside references to iconic monuments of Trentino, such as the Buonconsiglio Castle and the Dolomites, writing: “you are anyway part of Trentino as much as a house, a tree, etc.”.
FBK Chair, Francesco Profumo and the Chancellor of the University of Trento, Paolo Collini, wished to pay tribute on this occasion to the founder of their respective institutions, the former Istituto Trentino di Cultura, now Fondazione Bruno Kessler, and the University of Trento.
“The memory of the figure of Bruno Kessler assumes significant importance for us in the thirty years since his death – commented FBK President Francesco Profumo in his speech – I am sure that if Bruno Kessler were still with us he would greatly appreciate what has been done by the University of Trento and Fondazione Bruno Kessler to work together, through the sharing researchers thanks to double appointments, through many joint training, innovation and internationalization programs. This ‘University of Trento-FBK model’, with the results achieved and those it will generate in terms of the quality of graduates, researchers and innovation developed, will give Trentino a greater advantage in the increasingly high competition between regional areas”.
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“In unsuspecting times, Bruno Kessler decided that Trentino had to invest in training and research and defended this intuition even in the face of difficulties. – observed Chancellor Paolo Collini – We have the proof of his farsightedness we today, because this idea of his has continued to walk on the legs of other people even after him. The collaboration with FBK, for example, has become more than a simple collaboration, it is a strategic alliance made up of projects, laboratories and joint efforts. A common and intertwined path of growth that has preserved the same idea at its heart: progress through knowledge”.
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Giovanni Kessler, among the family members who donated the work, wanted to add a personal memory: “The most evident and effective legacy of Bruno Kessler still today in Trentino are the cultural institutions he strongly desired as an instrument of innovation, of change and opening of Trentino. My father was not afraid that someone would be better than him nor did he fear discussion: he always looked at new things, he looked at the best to grow personally and to make Trentino grow”.
Finally, Achille Spinelli, the Councilor for economic development, research and work of the Autonomous Province of Trento, also joined the memory of the statesman by underlining how: “Bruno Kessler was a cornerstone of the history of Trentino: he was a politician, a supporter of a culure of innovation and vision. He started the ITC – today’s Fondazione Bruno Kessler which, thanks to unrelentless growth, has become an internationally recognized research center, and then supported the start and growth of the University of Trento, a point of excellence and an attractive element for our local area. We have to say thanks to Bruno Kessler for this still today”.
The work “Homage to Bruno Kessler” is now an open tribute accessible to all. It will be the responsibility of Fondazione Bruno Kessler to allow citizens to admire it live, as soon as the general context makes it possible to safely reopen our promises on Via Santa Croce 77, which have always been an “agorà” designed for the growth and sharing of culture.
Video interviews:
Francesco Profumo, FBK President
Paolo Collini, Chancellor, University of Trento
Achille Spinelli, Trento Province Councilor for economic development, research and labor
Video: Homage to Bruno Kessler
Immagee and description of the work by Riccardo Schweizer “Homage to Bruno Kessler”
Short bio Bruno Kessler