Media – Press releases
08 April 2021Thanks to newly purchased equipment, we are moving from micro-fabrication to nano-fabrication of devices, for innovative applications in companies and in the space industry
26 March 2021Reading aloud, assisted by a technology that "captures" the reader's attention on the written word, allows children with dyslexia to increase their comprehension of a text. This is what emerges from a study, the result of the collaboration between the Bruno Kessler Foundation and the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences of the University of Trento, which involved 40 boys and girls aged between 8 and 10 years, half diagnosed with dyslexia and the other half with typical reading skills. With “Gary,” an average 24% improvement in reading comprehension scores is possible
19 March 2021Thirty years after the death of Bruno Kessler, FBK and the University of Trento remembered the figure of their founder on the occasion of the delivery of a work by artist Riccardo Schweizer, now entitled “Homage to Bruno Kessler”.
17 March 2021What is the likelihood of developing symptoms and progressing to critical conditions after contracting the coronavirus infection? New FBK epidemiological study published in the scientific journal JAMA Network Open
15 March 2021The work, the result of a collaboration among the Bruno Kessler Foundation, the Isi Foundation - Turin, the University of Turin and other foreign research institutes, has been published in the authoritative journal Nature Communications. The results analyze in which cases isolation strategies and digital contact tracing via app can help contain re-emerging outbreaks
26 February 2021Many new features introduced compared to the beta version of March 2020. The observatory becomes a freely usable resource that allows each user to independently conduct, thanks to a clear and user-friendly platform, a number of analysis for which at the moment there is no other online resource available.
02 February 2021The INTERLINK 3 - year project aims at creating and enabling new digital collaborative governance models centered on the citizen's needs. The international team is carrying out tests in three Administrations: the Italian Ministry of the Economy and Finance, the Latvian Ministry for Regional Development and the City of Zaragoza.
28 January 2021Thanks to the application of artificial intelligence and 5G technology, innovation will be pushed in various areas of society such as urban security, cyberbullying prevention, PA digitization, cultural heritage enhancement. The funding amounts to almost 3 million euros
27 January 2021The collaboration started in February 2020 and the next step will be to improve the performance of the Riedl Phasys robotic cabinet