Media – Press releases
27 June 2023The 220m€ investment provides permanent capacity to deliver responsible AI in Europe by testing AI solutions in practice before they hit the market and become a part of healthcare, manufacturing, agrifood and everyday life. One of those is the agrifoodTEF initiative: coordinated by Raffaele Giaffreda (FBK), it deals with the agricultural sector and food production.
30 May 2023New methodologies to test measurement devices in the gas transmission and distribution system for future transport of hydrogen
27 May 2023Questa mattina a Palazzo Geremia la tavola rotonda organizzata nell’ambito del Festival dell’Economia di Trento
06 May 2023Questa sera in piazza Malfatti a Rovereto l’intervento di Paolo Traverso e Paolo Benanti
21 April 2023The exhibition event of this European Project took place in Paris, on April 21st, 2023, with the presentation of the project activities and the demonstration of the prototype.
08 March 2023Artificial intelligence technologies to be developed that will benefit also information professionals
20 February 2023AMON project to pave the way for a new breakthrough technology in Europe
24 January 2023This morning's appointment concerns the most important European research organization in the field of hydrogen
07 July 2022Fondazione Bruno Kessler contributed to the report by IRENA, the International Renewable Energy Agency
24 June 2022On June 27 at FBK, the event dedicated to tales of collaborations between industry and research in the field of cutting-edge technologies