Launch event of the “The City of Electrons” project
Six schools, i.e. Maffei (Riva del Garda), Buonarroti/Pozzo (TN), Prati (TN), Guetti (Tione), Marconi (Rovereto), Depero (Rovereto) will be attending the event, offered and coordinated by Fondazione Bruno Kessler.
The Program
Introduction by Claudia Dolci (FBK)
Greetings – Fondazione CARITRO e IPRASE
Presentation by Pierluigi Bellutti (FBK)
Presentation of PLaNCK! by Agnese Sonato: communication of science to yout students
Interview on final output by Chiara Zanoni (FBK Publishing)
The Project
The DomoSens project, recently completed thanks also to the support of Caritro, that simulates a company that, starting with a research result, wishes to launch an innovative product (home gas sensors), has highlighted, among the project partners, the critically of understanding the chemical-physical phenomena that govern the core of the sensor. It is thus clear that the new, micro and nanotechnologies, proposed by the scientific frontline and presenting themselves as innovation, require specific teaching work so that, even in high schools, students can understand its intimate essence.
The project kicks off with a lecture by an expert scientist invovled in the project who will rigorously explain “Physical Chemistry in the DomoSens Project”. The new concepts that will be dealt with mainly concern semiconductor and nanostructured materials.
The lesson targets the six classes of 6 different high schools spread across the province of Trento. 5 of them will work on the scientific content, while the sixth, whose task is the final multimedia presentation, will be an observer at this first stage. This lesson will be attended by the teachers appointed by the schools (one per school covering science, chemistry and physics) that will be part of the project work group.
Next, each class will work with its teacher, who might coordinate with others in their institute, in order to understand the chemical-physical phenomena of interest, as exhaustively as compatible with high school.
Each class will provide feedback and present a proposal based on representations that are accessible since they are related to common sensory experiences.
Classes meet and present their work to the group of teachers, to the external experts and to the class in charge of the multimedia work. After two weeks, preferences will be gathered by selecting the job that best suits the communicative/explanatory goals of the project.
All the classes that participated in the proposals work together to perfect the selected one.
At the same time, the multimedia project proposal team begins its exploratory work and presents some proposals to the project community and then focuses on the one deemed most effective.
The final results (description and media support) are tested by the kids by presenting them to their peers. Finally, the project team works on the preparation of the texts that will compose the book, its cover and the multimedia demo. The book and demo will be the final results of the project.