IRVAPP WINTER SCHOOL 2018 – Advanced Methods for Impact Evaluation

Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale – Università di Trento
Via Giuseppe Verdi 26
The school is designed to be particularly beneficial to graduate students and researchers with a high level of proficiency in applied policy evaluation and quantitative micro-econometrics. It will run over three consecutive days, from January 10 to January 12 2018, covering methods for the estimation of policy effects with endogenous participation. Different solutions to the identification problem will be considered, resulting in three thematic one-day sessions.
This is an advanced/graduate course on quantitative empirical methods for policy evaluation. As such, knowledge of methods for treatment effects and quantitative micro-econometrics equivalent to Ph.D. or Doctorate level coursework is a prerequisite.
Erich Battistin, FBK-IRVAPP and Queen Mary University of London
Guido Imbens, Stanford University
Enrico Rettore, FBK-IRVAPP and University of Trento