Manlio De Domenico among the top statistical physicists

Statistical physics is a fundamental theory of physics that uses statistical methods to solve physical problems. The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) was founded in 1922 in Brussels with 13 member countries and the first General Assembly was held in Paris in 1923. The Young Researchers Award in Statistical Physics was recently established by UPAP’s C3 Commission on Statistical Physics. The award aims to recognize the outstanding achievements in statistical physics of scientists in the early stages of their careers. Recipients must have no more than eight years of research doctorate as pf July 1, 2016 and are expected to have shown significant results and outstanding promises for future results in the field of experimental or theoretical statistical physics. The prize consists of a certificate that lists the recipient’s contributions, a medal and 1000 euros.
Our researcher is among the winners of the last edition: the 3 most brilliant scholars under 40 in the disciplinary field worldwide. The Young Scientist Prize in Statistical Physics is considered the equivalent for young people of the Boltzmann Medal, the gratest recognition in the world for Statistical Physics, after the Nobel Prize.