Discover the art exhibit on unpredictable errors of artificial intelligence

FBK Sede

Via San Croce 77, Trento

The objects generated by certain processings escape the planning idea of the programmer and the designer, taking on unexpected and often brilliant shapes. They are not intentionally designed by man. They are not made by man.
What could their role be? Can the work of man represent itself even when something unexpected happens to alter the outcome? Can work not made by man represent the present?

November 19 through 30, the two FBK locations will host the exhibition “Not Man Made“, an art project by Roberto Pedrotti that represents in an artistic key unpredictable errors of artificial intelligence, not made and not thought by man.

Inauguration on Monday, November 19 at our offices on via S. Croce at 5 pm. Other participants include: Matteo Serra (FBK, project manager for the “Citizens for science” project), Chiara Zanoni Zorzi (FBK, Head of Publishing) and Fiorenzo Degasperi (art critic).

This initiative is part of the “Citizens for science” communication project.


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