Accelerating innovation

June 27 at FBK, an event dedicated to stories of industry-research collaborations in cutting-edge technologies. Organized by Fondazione Bruno Kessler and the CNR-IOM Institute.

Sala “Luigi Stringa”, FBK Povo

Via Sommarive 18, Povo

Technology transfer, Key Enabling Technologies, Technology Readiness Level, Prototypes, Proof-of-Concept, Open Facility, Intellectual Property: today, they are sort of recurring “hashtags”, that we find both if we are in a research institution or university, or in industries with high innovation potential: wherever, in short, we seek to raise the level of innovation and with it the development of products and services with high added value, e.g. the use of micro- and nanotechnologies in the IoT, Quantum, and automotive fields.

Why is it so important for these concepts to materialise positively in collaborations between research institutes and companies? What are the ‘alternative priorities’ that may or may not make these collaborations fruitful? How important is it for a company to invest in innovation?

The day will include the presentation of four very different collaboration experiences, both in terms of subject area and type, and a round table in which the role of research in innovation as a facilitator for access to enabling technologies will be discussed by comparing the different experiences.


9:30 a.m.

Institutional greetings

Andrea Simoni, Secretary General, Fondazione Bruno Kessler

Introduction Giuliano Muzio, Marketing Strategy and Business Development Service, FBK

The IPCEI Microelettronica Project 1 Lorenza Ferrario, FBK Facility Manager

The Nano-Region Project Marco Lazzarino, PI IOM-CNR


10:00 a.m.

Tescan (Milos Hrabovsk) FBK (Alessandro Cian)  – equipment for leading edge applications in nanotechnologies

OptoI (Alfredo Maglione), FBK (Francesco Ficorella) – from startup to leader in the advanced packaging for micro- and nanoelectronics

11:15 a.m.

Coffee break

11:45 a.m.

NanoRegion 1 – Jurij Urbančič,   University Nova Gorica (SLO) 

NanoRegion 2- Simone Dal Zilio, IOM-CNR, Marco Ravasi, Work in Progress Biomedical

1:00 p.m.

Light lunch at FBK

2:00 p.m.

The panel discussion (moderated by Elisa Morganti, HIT)

3:30 p.m.

Event closing

The event is sponsored by Nano-Region and  IPCEI projectsnd will be accessible in person and remotely.
To participate in person, registration via Eventbrite is required at the following link. Registration is also suggested for those who will participate remotely, and gives them the opportunity to anticipate questions to put to the speakers.

At the moment the COVID19 control regulations set a limit of 30 people. Changes to this number will be promptly communicated on this page.
Google meet link to follow remotely.


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