Conferences on e-voting

Organized as part of the activities dedicated to the Third Mission, the initiative aims to raise awareness among the student community and citizenship with respect to the use of forms of voting
technology. Thanks to the dialogue of scholars and scholars from different fields of knowledge, the meetings on electronic voting aim to prepare voters and voters for the challenges that await the
modernity, especially in view of the appointments of 2024, already dubbed “the election year.”
Quarto incontro. Giovedì 14 Marzo 2024, Aula 3, ore 17. Come funziona un sistema di votoelettronico
Vote App: un’applicazione di voto elettronico – Laura Cristiano, Chiara Spadafora
Descrizione tecnica di Vote App – Riccardo Longo, Chiara Spadafora
Le differenze tra un sistema di voto cartaceo e il voto elettronico, dal punto di vista della sicurezza
informatica – Alessandro Tomasi