Indications for future research on artificial intelligence and religion

06/07/2021 Final report following the Artificial Intelligence and Religion webinar series (AIR 2020/21) by the FBK-ISR Center for Religious Studies, and relaunch with new knowledge challenges.

Understanding and improving the relationship between religion and innovation is the mission of the Center for Religious Studies at Fondazione Bruno Kessler.

In recent years, FBK-ISR has promoted two two-year series of meetings:

  • the seminar/conference series entitled “Religion and innovation” in 2018/19
  • “Artificial Intelligence and Religion”, 14 webinars held between 2020 and this year, the last of which took place on April 21, 2021.

This latest initiative is part of FBK-ISR’s work on governance and AI policies, which involves extensive consultations with religious actors.

In particular, FBK-ISR produced a document in response to the public consultation on the White Paper on artificial intelligence, launched by the European Commission in February 2020.