SQUAD 2019: Advanced School on Quantum Detectors

The school is addressed to PhD students, Post-Docs and young researchers with backgrounds in Engineering and Physics

Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Polo Tecnologico, Povo

Via Sommarive 18

The aim of the school is to illustrate the operation principles and technologies in the field of Single-Photon Detectors, together with application examples in the field of Quantum Technologies. The course covers the basic properties and the state of the art of different types of detectors, including both commercial products and research prototypes, and underlines the most advanced research trends in their development. The basic detector requirements for their application in the field of quantum technologies is analyzed with the help of selected case studies.


  • Fundamentals of Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes
  • Silicon Photomultipliers
  • CMOS Single Photon Avalanche Diode Arrays
  • Superconducting Single Photon Detectors
  • Photon-counting Cameras (EM-CCD, iCCD, iCMOS)
  • Vacuum detectors
  • Applications of single photon detectors

ECTS credits

Doctoral students can obtain 2 ECTS points for the Summer School. Participants must register for the Summer School and complete the program in full to receive the credit points. This includes full presence during lectures, presenting their prepared poster and writing a report (1500 – 2000 words) on one of the topics of the school within 4 weeks from the school end.

Please visit squad2019.fbk.eu for more info and to register.

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