Protecting places of worship security research and innovation webinar

Santa Croce, Trento sede FBK
The G20 Interfaith Forum and the PROTECTOR (PROTECTing places of wORship) project organize an unique knowledge exchange webinar showcasing European Commission security research and innovation actions to develop the protection of places of worship from hate crime and terrorism. With the participation of MARCO VENTURA (FBK-ISR)

The purpose of the webinar is to raise awareness and share knowledge from of a series of European Commission funded research and innovations projects which are currently conducting research seeking to improve the protection of places of worship from hate crime and terrorist attack.

Introduction: Marco Ventura (FBK), chair of the G20 Interfaith working group on research and innovation in science and technology
SOAR – Strengthening security and resilience of at risk religious sites (Shaukat Warraich – Project Coordinator)
–  PROSECUW – Protection and security for places of worship (Sotiris Themistokleous – Project Coordinator)
–  PROSPERES – Protection system for large gatherings of people in religious sites (Marcin Podogrocki – Project Coordinator)
–  PROTECTOR – PROTECTing places of wORship
(Andrew Staniforth – Project Coordinator)
–  Innovation insights for protecting places of worship
(Dr Richard Burchill – PROTECTOR Project Expert Advisory Board)

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