INW 2020 | 17th Edition of the Italian Networking Workshop

Held in Cavalese (Trento), Italy, on January 29-31, 2020, this annual workshop provides a forum to present recent and original work in various areas of telecommunication networks

Cavalese, Trento


The 17th edition of the Italian Networking Workshop (INW) will be held in Cavalese (TN), Italy, on January 29-31, 2020. This annual workshop provides a forum to present recent and original work in various areas of telecommunication networks. It is mainly intended for researchers working in Italian Universities and Research institutions. International speakers and attendees are most welcome and in fact, growing in number in the last few years.

The scientific scope of the workshop is very broad, including network architectures and protocols, energy-efficient networking, wireless technology, mesh and sensor networks, wearable technology, optical networks, software-defined and cognitive networks, peer-to-peer networks, traffic measurements and security, data mining and big data for networking and performance evaluation (simulation, experimental work).

The main purposes of the Italian Networking Workshop are:

  • To present your latest research results, obtaining immediate feedback from the research community in a rather informal but thorough way
  • To provide a nice and stimulating opportunity to get-together, especially for PhD students and young researchers, fostering discussions about scientific topics, as well as interaction with Professors and researchers from other universities
  • To join forces in the write-up of project proposals
  • To do all that in a nice and comfortable location, enjoying good food and a bit of skiing

Please visit the website to register.


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