Bring Your Tech to the Market

Professional training course for researchers
Learn how to turn your research results into market opportunities

Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Polo Tecnologico, Povo

Via Sommarive 18

The course is organized in three half-day modules:

  • Position your Technology
  • Market-driven research
  • Generating impact out of R&D

The course starts at 14:00 on 11th June and ends at 18:00 on the 12th. It takes place @North building of Fondazione Bruno Kessler in Povo.

The workshop will feature small classes of selected attendees who will bring their own IP cases to maximize learning. It is mandatory to attend to all the three modules. Workshops are free of charge for EIT Raw Material Partners; 100€ access fee for externals. The workshop will be replicated in various locations in the EU until the end of 2020. All workshops attendance costs are eligible under EIT RawMaterials funded KAVAs (e.g. Up-scaling projects). To know more about this read here.

Click here to apply and to know more about the agenda.

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