AI-Based Solutions for Adaptive Gamified Motivational Systems

GMS (Gamified Motivational Systems) è un termine ampio per indicare l'introduzione di elementi "game-like" con l'obiettivo di promuovere il coinvolgimento dell'utente, la motivazione e un cambiamento comportamentale positivo.

FBK virtual event

Via Sommarive, Povo

Speaker: Mauro Scanagatta, FBK

Abstract: GMS (Gamified Motivational Systems) is a broad term to indicate the introduction of “game-like” elements with the objective of promoting user engagement, motivation and positive behavior change. Typical examples of those applications are Serious Games, Playful education, Gamification. We will first present the tangible application benefits and the key research challenges related to GMS. We will then show three real-life applications implemented by Digis; for each one we’ll detail the application context, the problems encountered, and the specific AI-based solution put into practice.

Bio of the speaker: Mauro is a Researcher at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Italy. His background is rooted in statistical models, and his research focuses on the application of Artificial Intelligence to Motivational games, ranging from personalization of game elements to the calibration of game dynamics. His research interest is on how technology can provide more meaningful and profound changes on society through serious games’ medium.
Location: on-line connection at this MicrosoftTeams link


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