International Workshop on Digital Twins: Mathematical Analysis, Formal Methods and Scientific Machine Learning

Stefano Tonetta, FBK partecipa come keynote speaker al Workshop interdisiciplinare: "International Workshop on Digital Twins: Mathematical Analysis, Formal Methods and Scientific Machine Learning"

Padova, Scuola della Carità

via san Francesco 61, Padova

Digital twins constitute a virtual, precise representation of some physical system. As such, they are an ultimate goal of the most advanced mathematical models. The aim of this workshop is to bring together leading experts in some of the intertwined fields connected to similar applications, focusing in particular on the mathematical and on the computer science aspects of Machine Learning and cyber-physical systems. On the mathematical side, emphasis will be given to the analysis of differential equations and algorithms arising in specific models or in more general theories. On the computer science side, attention will be devoted to formal methods and artificial intelligence for advanced modeling, analysis, verification, synthesis, and control of cyber-physical systems.

Program: to be updated

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