Human and Things | An Interdisciplinary Dialogue
La conferenza esplora l’intricata relazione tra l’uomo e le cose, da diverse prospettive, esaminando le influenze reciproche che hanno avuto nel tempo. Radicata nel pensiero cartesiano, la visione della modernità ha separato gli esseri umani dal mondo materiale, trattandolo come una “macchina cosmica” determinabile. Questa prospettiva ha permeato tutti i settori della conoscenza e ha avallato il dominio dell’uomo sulle cose esterne. Tuttavia, la crisi ecologica e i rapidi progressi tecnologici mettono in discussione questa mentalità.
L’avanguardia del pensiero scientifico, guidata dalla svolta quantistica della fisica, offre un nuovo paradigma del mondo come una rete in cui gli esseri umani e le cose si influenzano reciprocamente. Attraverso un dialogo tra studiosi di diversi settori, la conferenza promuove una considerazione olistica di questa relazione, sollecitando un passaggio dal dominio alla coesistenza simbiotica.
27 September 2024 – 14:30-19:00 – Fondazione Bruno Kessler FBK, Via Santa Croce 77 – Sala Grande
Welcome address
- Paolo Carta – Dean of the Faculty of Law UNITN
- Paolo Traverso – Director of Strategic Planning FBK
I Session: Reality
- Ugo Mattei – Faculty of Law UNITO
(Key Note) The Ecological Paradigm Shift in Law
- Sara Hejazi – Center for Sensors and Devices FBK
Human and Things: The End of a Love Story? An Anthropological Perspective
- Andrea Pradi – Faculty of Law UNITN
Human, Things and the Law
- Richard Hall-Wilton – Center for Sensors and Devices FBK
Objects & Things?
- Elena Ioriatti – Faculty of Law UNITN
Modern Physics and Comparative Law: Approximating through Abstract World Map
Coffee Break
- Caroline Johnson – Center for Sensors and Devices FBK
The Anthropocene: Evidence we are Human Doings not Human Beings. How a co-productionist Model can explain the Evolution of Humans and Science
- Luca Pes – Faculty of Law UNITN
A Different Way to look at the Relationship between Human and Things: Land and Water Rights in the Inner Delta of the Niger River
- Niccolò Crescini – Center for Sensors and Devices FBK
Crafting a Qubit, the Simplest Thing of All
28 September 2024 – 9:00-13:30 – Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Via Verdi 53 – Sala Conferenze “Fulvio Zuelli”
II Session – Virtuality
- Massimo Leone – Center for Religious Studies FBK
(Key Note) On Usurpation: The Rebellion of Objects in the Digital and Quantum Age
- Ugo Malvagna – Faculty of Law UNITN
Property Rights and the Blockchain: Digital Assets as “Ownership”?
- Andrea Rossato – Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science UNITN
Virtual Domains: Intellectual Property, Artificial Intelligence and Computational Power. Between Ideology, Rhetoric and Paradoxes
- Giorgia Bincoletto – Faculty of Law UNITN
The Human Being and Personal Data. A Reflection between Personalistic Value and Proprietary Perspective
Coffee Break
- Emanuele Ariano – Faculty of Law UNITO
Property Logic, Law and AI in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism: Allies or Foes?
- Vincenzo D’Andrea – Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science UNITN
Participatory Design and Artificial Intelligence
- Fulvio Cortese – Faculty of Law UNITN
Redefine the Landscape and its Normative Value
- Stefano Borgo – Laboratory of Applied Ontology CNR and Camilla Perrone – Department of Architecture UNIFI
Applied Ontology and the Notion of Interaction in the Agent/Thing Dichotomy
- Pier Giuseppe Monateri – Faculty of Law UNITO
Scientific Committee: Richard Hall-Wilton (FBK), Sara Hejazi (FBK, UNITO, UNITN), Elena Ioriatti (UNITN), Massimo Leone (FBK, UNITO), Ugo Malvagna (UNITN), Andrea Pradi (UNITN)
Attendance is possible both in person and online. For online attendance please send an e-mail to
This event is co-funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU, within the framework of the PRIN 2022 PNRR call, project “Human well-being in times of tech management of emergency (P20225FPNT) – CUP E53D23021160001 – Scientific Coordinator Ugo Malvagna; by the Faculty project “Diritto comparato quale strumento di indivisìduazione del diritto oggettivo in contesti complessi” n. 40650002, Scientific Coordinator Elena Ioriatti; and by Fondazione Bruno Kessler.