Symposium in honour of Professor Jochen Wambach

Jochen Wambach was the director of ECT* from 2016 to 2021. He managed to secure the continuation of the funding of the Centre in a demanding period, facing a situation with reduced financial resources, and numerous implications due to the Covid pandemic, and at the same time he succeeded in maintaining ECT*’s high scientific profile. This Symposium pays tribute to Jochen Wambach’s contributions to science and ECT*.
Jochen Wambach received his Diploma and his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Bonn. After having held postdoctoral positions in Stony Brook and Jülich, he joined the Faculty of Physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. He returned to Germany as a Full Professor at the University of Darmstadt, where he is now a retired University Professor.
His research spans a wide area in Theoretical Physics, ranging from Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics to Hadron Physics, Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions, and Condensed-Matter Physics.
Andrea Simoni (Secretary-General FBK)
Marek Lewitowicz (Chair NuPECC)
Marcella Grasso (Chair ECT* Scientific Board)
Gert Aarts (ECT* Director)
Peter Braun-Munzinger (EMMI), The QCD phase diagram: new theoretical concepts and advances in experimental techniques
Arno Tripolt (University of Graz), In-medium spectral functions with the FRG
Guy Moore (TU Darmstadt), Photons and dileptons at high temperatures
Tetyana Galatyuk (TU Darmstadt), Extreme and shining: What can we learn from electromagnetic
radiation about the state of visible matter under extreme conditions?
Sandro Stringari (University of Trento), Years of collaboration with Jochen at ECT*
Scientific Organising Committee:
Gert Aarts, Daniele Binosi, Marcella Grasso, Marek Lewitowicz, Dirk Rischke, Dionysios Triantafyllopoulos