Smart Community participating in TRENTOinBICI

On the occasion of the bicentennial of the invention of the bicycle and within the European Mobility Week, Saturday, September 16 with "TRENTOinBICI" we will celebrate big time!

Piazza Dante

Piazza Dante, Trento

The Bicycle Festival, which has been invoked by FIAB for years, is part of the various measures provided by the motion “Trento bicycle-friendly city”, approved by the City Council on January 24, aimed at strengthening the development of urban bicycle mobility by promoting the bicycle as a non-polluting, healthy, affordable and efficient means of transportation for daily moving around in town.

The initiative is promoted by the Mobility Office of the City of Trento, in collaboration with the Associations supporting eco-sustainable mobility and with the participation of many other organizations (FIAB Onlus-Amici della Bicicletta, Trentino Arcobaleno, Comitato per Campotrentino, Gruppo di lavoro TrentoinBici, Cyclofficina Giralaruota, Legambiente Trento, UISP Trentino Committee, Trento office for Youth Policies, Municipal Police, Trento Municipal Library, Mamme Insieme Mattarello, Cooperative CAR SHARING TRENTINO, PAT-APOP, APT and Fondazione Bruno Kessler).

FBK’s Smart Community (that has joined “Trentino Pedala“) will be participating with a stand at Piazza Dante where it will be promoting Play&Go and other solutions for sustainable mobility… Don’t miss it!


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