Workshop Anti-Superbugs

European Project Antisuperbugs: scenarios, challenges and perspectives & Open Market Consultation

Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Polo Tecnologico, Povo

Via Sommarive 18

The Project
The contrast of antimicrobial resistant microorganisms (Antimicrobial Resistant Organisms) or superbugs is a top priority for public health and health systems in general in Europe and in particular in Italy. The interventions that can be implemented for the prevention and control of infections with superbugs could be made more effective and efficient through innovative ICT solutions applicable in the context of health structures to allow early identification and guarantee a continuous surveillance on the presence of resistant microorganisms, through the production of information and feedback to support decisions and appropriate actions by health professionals.

In order to stimulate the development of innovative technological solutions, a European consortium has promoted the Pre-Commercial Procurement project (PCP – Pre-Commercial Procurement) Anti-Superbugs, co-funded by the European Community in the field of information and communication technology development (H2020-EU 2.1.1 – ICT-36-2015; project ID 688878).

The Autonomous Province of Trento is one of the procurers participating in the project, which is promoted by  a consortium of institutions, healthcare providers and research organizations of: Spain (coordinating the project), Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Sweden and Turkey.


During the morning it will be provided elements of context and perspective concerning problems, strategies and tools for prevention and control of hospital infections and antimicrobials resistance. The use of the PCP as an innovative procurement tool by public administrations and the importance of cost-effectiveness assessment to support the acquisition and implementation of health technologies will also be discussed.

During the afternoon there will be an Open Market Consultation of the Antisuperbugs project aimed at all companies interested in receiving detailed information and dealing with the consortium challenges, state of art and business cases.

Discover the attached Program


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