FBK participates in the 103rd National Conference of the Italian Physics Society

Fondazione Bruno Kessler is a partner of this important conference, which in addition to the scientific program, will host meetings and dissemination events for the entire community. It will be an occasion for recognition of the research conducted in the province of Trento and will see the award of the prestigious “Enrico Fermi” prize.
The Organizing Committee has included a rich program of side events with dissemination initiatives dedicated to high school students and others open to citizens, among which we mention:
- The theatrical show Emozionare con la Scienza (Creating excitement through science)
- The talk Uno spazio quantistico (a quantum space) at the Teatro Sociale
- The exhibit I giocattoli e la scienza (toys and science)
- The film club Science on screen
- The white night of Physics Physics 2night: meetings and demos with young researchers open to the general public, in a number of establishments in town
- The night event Particelle (Particles) with short stories by physicists
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