CSSR Forum – Things new and old. How Jews and Christians read the Bible
The first, fundamental one notes that the New Testament recognizes the authority of the Old Testament as divine revelation and cannot be understood without its close relationship with it and with the Jewish tradition that conveyed it “(Pontifical Biblical Commission, The Jewish People And Their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible, 2001).
The accounts of the Scriptures are the foundation of the faith and the lifestyles and thoughts of Jews and Christians. Their interpretation, therefore, raises not only the question of the plurality of hermeneutics, but also the one of the different identities that constantly derive nourishment and inspiration from the Bible.
Meditation, study, and research around the Scriptures have for centuries marked the history of Jewish and Christian communities, strongly contributing to outline the Western cultural profile in all its expressions.
The comparison between the two traditions is at the center of the Forum organized by Fondazione Bruno Kessler ‘s Advanced Course in Religious Studies, which will take place on Thursday, May 11, 2017 (5:00 pm-7:00 pm). The speakers for the “things new and old” drawn from the biblical treasure will be Prof. Rav Roberto Reuven David Colombo for the Jewish party, and Prof. Marinella Perroni for the Christian party. The meeting is open to the public.
Professor. Rav Roberto Reuven David Colombo, former Rabbin of the Jewish community of Turin and later on Head of the Schools of the Jewish Community of Milan, is currently a lecturer and director of Jewish subjects at the Jewish Schools of Rome. Very active in the field of education, he has recently published Sognare e sapere (Dream and know). L’interpretazione dei sogni secondo la mistica ebraica (The interpretation of dreams according to Jewish mysticism) (2012) and Io e l’Altro (Me and the other). Raccolta di fonti rabbiniche sulle norme sociali tradotte e commentate (Collection of rabbinic sources on social norms translated and commented) (2016).
Prof. Marinella Perroni is a New Testament professor at the Pontifical Athenaeum St. Anselm of Rome. She founded the Italian Women Theologians Organization, which she chaired from 2004 to 2013. She is currently vice-president and member of the Bible Committee of Biblia (Lay Association for Biblical Culture) and, since 2015, has been a member of the Commission on pluralism, freedom, and study of Religious Studies established by Miur. Author of many works, she has recently published Le donne di Galilea. Presenze femminili nella prima comunità cristiana (The Women of Galilee. Female presences in the first Christian community) (2015) and, with Cristina Simonelli, Maria di Magdala Una genealogia apostolica (Mary of Magdala. An Apostolic Genealogy) (2016).