FBK present at “Siamo Europa” with the Symphony project

In particular, we will be present on May 13 and 14 with a stand where Leandro Lorenzelli and Andrea Adami will be presenting to citizens the European project called Symphony, coordinated by Fondazione Bruno Kessler. One of the partners of the project is the local consortium of cheese factories, the Consorzio dei Caseifici Sociali Trentini (CONCAST).
The “Symphony” acronym stands for “Integrated SYsteM based on PHOtonic Microresonators and Microfluidic Components for rapid detectioN of toxins in milk and diarY products”: the aim of the project is in fact the timely detection of possible toxic contaminants in milk (aflatoxins), one of the most pressing needs in the dairy sector. At our stand, our researchers will illustrate the progress made and the technological devices developed for the accurate and rapid analysis of product quality in the dairy industry.
The exhibition is free to visit on Saturday 13 May from 2.00 pm to 7.00 pm and on Sunday 14 May from 9.00 to 1.00 pm.
On Sunday 14 May at 10:35 am the scientific referent Andrea Adami is also presenting live the Symphony project.