AGRICLIMA Project Kick-off Meeting

Kick-off Meeting of the National Agritech Centre's cascade call, AGRICLIMA: an Information System for the management, exchange and analysis of data on climate change and impacts in agriculture.

Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Polo Tecnologico, Povo

Via Sommarive 18

The AGRICLIMA project aims to create an innovative technological platform for analyzing the impacts of climate change on agriculture and developing tools for risk mitigation. From a technological innovation perspective, the platform will offer tools to facilitate the collection, cataloging, and simplified access to a significant set of public and private datasets. Following the principles of creating an ‘EU Data Space,’ it will enable the secure management and exchange of public and private data, respecting data sovereignty. From an application standpoint, it will integrate a set of relevant datasets and data processing models that will allow the study and understanding of relationships between some of the main phenomena influencing agricultural productivity and risk management, such as climate, crop phenology, and hydrological dynamics.

Project partners: FBK (coordinator), DedaNext, Agriduemila Hub Innovation, ASNACODI Servizi, University of Calabria, Waterjade, Radarmeteo, AMIGO, Enogis, Stellar Project.

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