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FESR 2024

Implementation and Integration of the Center for Sensors and Devices Infrastructure

The activity, carried out within the FESR 2021 – 2027 Operational Program of the Autonomous Province of Trento, provides for the purchase of scientific equipment through a European tender for micro-fabrication and characterization of materials and devices.

Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) is dedicated to the various phases of technology development, namely: research, innovation, technology transfer. The results achieved in these areas constitute excellence at the national and international level. A relevant part of this growth is due to the Facilities for micro-nano-fabrication and characterization, structured in the Center for Sensors and Devices (FBK-SD). The Center stands out at the national and international level for its scientific and innovative skills in the field of high technology, thanks to its infrastructures that cover the entire process, from the conception of basic technologies to the production of innovative products ready for the market.

As part of the initiative proposed by the Trento Province Council (1350723) to “Develop and strengthen research and innovation capacities and the introduction of advanced technologies”, Fondazione Bruno Kessler presented the project called Implementation and Integration of the Infrastructure of the Center for Sensors and Devices (I3SD).

The Project aims to substantially renew the infrastructure of FBK-SD through specific equipment that presents obsolescence issues. In particular, this instrumentation has generally been operating for more than 10 years and has reliability problems and is no longer able to operate at the state of the art.

The project is based on four basic pillars

  1. Renewal of Obsolete Equipment: Investments aimed at renewing these tools will be the lifeblood that will keep our center racing towards the future.
  2. Reduction of Maintenance and Service Contracts: Each contract is a knot that tightens our wrists. Reducing those constraints means freeing up valuable resources.
  3. Optimization of Operational Personnel: Every hour spent maintaining and trying to make the equipment work is an hour that could be used more efficiently elsewhere.
  4. Replacement with New Technologies: Replacing equipment with newer, more advanced solutions will expand our capabilities and give us the boost we need to face the challenges of the future.

The project aims to develop a strategic impact on various areas of the Center’s activity

As far as researchis concerned:

it will allow to support the implementation phase of scientific projects such as

those provided for in the PNRR NQSTI, the IPCEI ME/CT and those related to the Chip Act; obtaining new strategic projects focused on a further expansion of skills and increasing the capacity of the infrastructure; medium-long term sustainability of the Center’s strategy through an incoming program over a period of 4-5 years through external planning.

With regard to the Innovation activity, the impact will be extremely significant.

The strengthened capabilities will also allow the acceptance of prototypes and demonstrators with certain timing and with a significant reduction in time compared to the current state. In addition, production activities are under study and feasibility analysis. Industrial plans, although limited in terms of absolute availability of production capacities, may be more solid if based on a more reliable production facility. The analytical area will also be able to make a greater contribution to the innovation and service process.

From a quantitative point of view, we intend to increase incoming projects from the private industry by about 30% of the current total, within the duration of the project.

This project will allow the impact on  Local communities to be maintained at a high level, in particular in support of businesses. Training will also continue on various fronts: for research, with access to laboratories for undergraduate and postgraduate university students; for training in technical-scientific culture, aimed at young people in high schools; and for specialized training with courses for Higher Education and internships aimed at engineering and technical staff of companies.

The project is closely connected with the 2021-2027 Smart Specialization Strategy outlined by the local government of Trentino (

The main tasks identified in this area are:

  1. Development of Advanced Digital Infrastructures: The infrastructure promotes the creation of high-speed digital networks and the dissemination of cutting-edge technologies, in particular in relation to activities carried out in the photonics domain.
  2. Promotion of Technology Innovation: Collaborating with research centers, academic institutes and companies in the ICT sector, the infrastructure facilitates the adoption of innovative technologies and the integration of cutting-edge digital solutions, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), augmented and virtual reality, and artificial intelligence.
  3. Smart City: Through the implementation of new solutions related to sensors and data transmission.
  4. Key Enabling Technology: The infrastructure provides key enabling technologies for this area not otherwise available in the local area and largely unique also nationwide. Specifically, the enabling technologies at stake are the development and production of devices for micro- and nanoelectronics, the characterization and research activities related to advanced materials
  5. Quantum technologies: in relation to this activity FBK-SD deals with the development of quantum technologies in particular for communication, and the sensors and metrology of the future at the local level in collaboration with the Q@TN initiative and at the national level through the NQSTI partnership.

Currently the tenders for all the lots related to the project have been closed and by the end of 2024 the winners will be selected and the contracts signed. Most of the tools will be installed in 2025 while a part will be delivered and installed during 2026.

Grant Amount: €5.78 M

Duration: 36 months.


Implementation and Integration of the Infrastructure of the Center for Sustainable Energy

The activity, carried out within the FESR 2021 – 2027 Operational Program of the Autonomous Province of Trento, provides for the purchase of scientific equipment as part of the creation of a series of laboratories dedicated to the development and testing of hydrogen technologies, batteries, the built environment and infrastructures for mobility and energy.

Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) is dedicated to the various phases of technology development, namely: research, innovation, technology transfer. The results achieved in these areas constitute excellence at the national and international level. A relevant part of this growth is due to the Laboratories for the development of new materials for energy, the engineering and validation of technologies at the Center for Sustainable Energy. The Center stands out at the national and international level for its scientific and innovative skills in the field of high technology, thanks to its infrastructures that cover the entire process, from the development of advanced materials, to the engineering of components and systems, to their validation gradually at an increasingly relevant scale for industry.

As part of the initiative proposed by the Trento Province Council (1350723) to “Develop and strengthen research and innovation capacities and the introduction of advanced technologies”, Fondazione Bruno Kessler presented the project called Laboratories of Technologies and Services for Sustainability (TESSLABs).

The Project aims to equip and complete the research infrastructure of the TESSLABs, which provides for triangular synergies between the manager, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, the owner of the entire site where the TESSLABs are located, at Progetto Manifattura, i.e. Trentino Sviluppo, and the University of Trento, which will have the role in particular of predominantly contributing to the activities of the laboratories on built environments and infrastructures for sustainable mobility.

For the relaunch of Progetto Manifattura, three priority topics have been determined that identify main areas of intervention in relation to the Smart Specialization Strategy. These industrial sectors are identified as strategic topics, able to bring together some special features of the local area and, like magnets, act as elements of attraction and a driving force for industrial development actions. The three Magnets are: Energy transition, Sustainable mobility, HOME system. These are three themes related not only to the Environmental Energy Specialization, but also connected to the Quality of Life and Mechatronics, two other main areas identified within the Intelligent Specialization of the Autonomous Province of Trento. In addition to the specific connection in terms of topic, the three Magnets lend themselves to many mutual synergies, a feature that amplifies the possible impact of the proposed initiative with respect to the sectors of application. The basis of the activity developed in the Magnets is the design in support of companies, first and foremost of the local area, understood as that cognitive and experimental act that, starting from the analysis of needs, defines the layout of the object and its components at various performance levels and then verifies its effective compliance with the expected requests through advanced measurement and monitoring activities. In this sense, there are some issues that can be part of a co-development action between the different Magnets. Among these, the laboratories will have skills related to issues such as IoT and innovative sensors, the efficient use of energy with the use of innovative storage solutions and integrated active/passive systems, information technologies with particular reference to big data, user-interface technologies, embedded solutions characterized by advanced model-based controls. This document concerns the strategic framework of the “HOME System”, “Sustainable Mobility” and “Energy Transition” Magnets, defined by the “Operational Plan for the development of an ecosystem of entrepreneurial and social innovation” produced by Trentino Sviluppo in February 2017, according to the ongoing  lines of research at FBK and UNITN in the national and international context. These lines of research can be further determined in the medium-long term and in the short term at Progetto Manifattura in order to define new strategies for development, technology transfer and services to companies in the sectors that have been  identified as of primary interest. The following are indicated for each magnet: the “vision” for the “HOME System”, “Sustainable Mobility” and “Energy Transition” in the medium-long term; the “short-term initiatives” (12 months) for the immediate implementation of some issues considered important for the local business and social fabric; “the laboratories” that will provide support to the 3 magnets as integrated infrastructures and cross-cutting activities that can support the activities defined above. These laboratories are divided into support structures (chemical, electrical and mechanical laboratories) and functional laboratories where research, innovation and service activities can be carried out (battery, hydrogen, home and mobility infrastructures).

The project is closely connected with the 2021-2027 Smart Specialization Strategy outlined by the local government of Trentino (

The main tasks identified in this area are:

The funding for the equipment of the TESSLABs laboratories is in line with the energy sustainability objectives included in the Smart Specialization Strategy of the Province of Trento document. In particular, it aligns with some important issues such as hydrogen use development, also with territorial experiments on the subject of transport. A technological trajectory present in the laboratories will then develop the topic of storage and batteries. On the issues of energy efficiency, the equipment for the proposed laboratories will follow the trajectory that will see the study of connected technologies and devices as well as materials that improve energy performance and sustainability for smart buildings, including aspects related to comfort and health in confined spaces. A further trajectory concerns sustainable mobility with particular reference to physical infrastructure, vehicles and users.

Currently, the purchase procedures for the equipment are underway and about 50% should be ready by the end of 2024 and the remainder completed in the first half of 2025. The above equipment and set-up will begin to be carried out in early 2025, with Trentino Sviluppo providing the laboratories.

Grant Amount: € 1,999,991.57

Duration: 24 months